Load and Modify External File in NetSuite

When building a suitelet in NetSuite you can either inject HTML, CSS and Javascript in a field, or generate a full HTML page and render it into the suitelet. No matter which method you use, you normally have to write line after line of SuiteScript code where you build the HTML using string concatenation. This is not only difficult and tedious to write, making sure you match all the single and double quotes and semi colons, it also makes the code much harder to maintain.

What if you could just create a regular HTML file, put it in the File Cabinet and then render it into a suitelet? And what if you could use one line of code to inject values from NetSuite in the correct place in the HTML? This could be search results from the use of my search function.

That is what the function looks like:

 * Load file from NetSuite File Cabinet and replace placeholders with actual values
 * Version    Date            Author           Remarks
 * 1.00       07 Nov 2016     kmartinsson      Created class/function
 * 1.01       08 Nov 2016     kmartinsson      Consolidated setValue and setHTML into
 *                                             one method and added noEscape parameter
// ***** Read and process external file, replacing placeholders with proper values *****
function ExternalFile(filename) {
   //Get the file by path/name, can also be internal id
   var fileId = filename;
   // Load file content and store data
   var file = nlapiLoadFile(fileId);
   var data = file.getValue();
   this.content = data;

   this.setValue = function(placeholder, value, noEscape) {
      // Check if noEscape is passed, if it is and if true then don't escape value.
      // This is needed when value contains HTML code.
      if (typeof noEscape == "undefined") {
         this.content = this.content.replace(new RegExp(placeholder, 'g'), nlapiEscapeXML(value));
      } else {
         if (noEscape == true) {
            this.content = this.content.replace(new RegExp(placeholder, 'g'), value);
         } else {
            this.content = this.content.replace(new RegExp(placeholder, 'g'), nlapiEscapeXML(value));

   this.getContent = function() {
      return this.content;

Reference this function in your Suitescript 1.0 code like this:

// Load extrenal HTML file
var html = new ExternalFile("SuiteScripts/BinTransfer.html");
// Insert NetSuite URL for CSS files
var cssFileName = nlapiLoadFile("SuiteScripts/css/drop-shadow.css").getURL();
html.setValue("%cssDropShadow%", cssFileName, true);
cssFileName = nlapiLoadFile("SuiteScripts/css/animate.css").getURL();
html.setValue("%cssAnimate%", cssFileName, true);
// Insert array returned from a search
html.setValue("%binarray%", JSON.stringify(binArray), true);
// Replace placeholders with values
html.setValue("%showAll%", "false");
html.setValue("%company%", companyName);

The last (optional) argument “noEscape” decides if the value should be URL encoded (false/omitted) or not (true) using the function nlapiEscapeXML(). In most cases you don’t need to specify this argument, but if you need to pass HTML or other code into the function you need to set it to true to avoid the code being modified.

As you can see in my example above, I get the NetSuite URL for my CSS files as well. Instead of hard coding the NetSuite URL into the HTML page, I calculate it and insert it when the page is loaded. Not only does it make the page easier to read the code, it also makes it much easier to maintain.

This is a snippet from the HTML file:

<!-- Load plugins/drop-shadow.css from File Cabinet -->
<link href="%cssDropShadow%" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Load bootstrap-notify.js and animate.css from File Cabinet -->
<script src="%jsBootstrapNotify%"></script>
<link href="%cssAnimate%" rel="stylesheet">

Much easier to read!

Thanks to this little function I have built suitelets who does nothing but load a traditional HTML file with Bootstrap, jQuery, even jQuery Mobile for mobile devices. The page contains Javascript/jQuery that call RESTlest to read and write data. Now I can build suitelets with all the power I have in traditional web development at the same time as I get access to the full NetSuite functionality!

This can also be used to generate XML files to convert into PDF.

Happy coding!



IBM Notes, Domino and the future

As some may already know I was recently laid off after 14 years as a Notes and Domino developer at my workplace. I suspected for a while that some staff reduction would be coming soon, but I was a bit surprised that I was included since I am the only Notes developer in the company.

I had for a while considered to do consulting and freelance development. My wife as well as several friends have been encouraging me for years. So this was just the push I needed.

Demand Better Solutions Logo

I am starting my own company, Demand Better Solutions, where I will focus on Notes and Domino Development, application modernization and migration as well as building brand new web applications and websites.

I realize that me being laid off is just a business decision. It is not personal. Several of the business critical applications at my former employer are developed using IBM Notes, but the executives have for years been talking about moving away from the platform. Of course they don’t realize the huge amount of work needed to do this, but never the less this was/is their ultimate goal.

The reason is that they feel (based on what they hear from other executives) that Notes is old technology. The fact that IBM has been slow in modernizing the interface, and that many of the templates still look like back in 1999 when version 5.0 was released does not help this perception.

Last fall all our email at my old job was moved to Outlook, and ever since I have heard users complaining about missing Notes and certain functionality they were used to. A lot of integration between Notes applications and Notes mail were also lost, and I had to re-create it in different ways. You often hear stories about people complaining about the Notes client, but most of our users wanted nothing but to get it back…

My old employer also uses Visual FoxPro, a product where the last version was released in 2004. It has officially been discontinued by Microsoft, but we use it for several important applications. So I don’t think that even a product being discontinued is driving a huge number of migrations. It is the perception of how modern the product is that matters. And that perception is almost 100% the way the product looks.

To a user the interface is the product.

Create a modern looking application and nobody will question (or care) what tool was used to build it.

The last 3-4 years I have been learning new web technologies, like jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON. I have been able to use much of that at work, as well as in several side projects. I also started learning C# and .net. After the layoff I sat down and started looking at (among others) php and mySQL as well as researched frameworks like AngularJS.

As a developer I have to keep up with new technologies, or I will be left behind. But it is hard when you work full-time, have side work and then have a family and house to take care of. Having some free time the last few weeks enabled me to focus on learning some new things.

I don’t think the Notes client will be developed much more, almost everything is moving towards web applications these days anyway. But IBM Domino is something totally different. It is an very capable and powerful development platform. With some skills in web technologies and a good understanding of the Domino platform one can build some amazing applications.

IBM recently released FixPack 7 and announced that the current version of Notes and Domino will be supported for at least five more years, until September 30, 2021. New functionality will be provided through Feature Packs, not version upgrades.

But Domino is just one tool of many. I am looking at LDC Via as another data store, as it very closely resembles Domino with a MongoDB-based NoSQL backend. Salesforce also has many similarities with Domino. The transition would therefore be fairly easy. AngularJS is another popular technology, with version 2.0 soon to be released. And we of course have IBM’s BlueMix offering, where MongoDB is just one of many technologies offered.

As a developer we need to learn new things constantly, the language or tools we use does really not matter. We should pick the proper tool, whatever fits the project.

Do you want to modernize your Notes and Domino applications?
Let me and Demand Better Solutions help you!


My MWLUG presentation

I have been very busy ever since the MWLUG conference in Austin, but now you can finally view my presentation and download the sample code. Enjoy!



I will post the code for my Phonegap Demo next week.

Reminder: you need to sign the database (or at least all the agents) with an ID who has the rights to run agents, or the Ajax calls will not return anything.

If you are interested in having your Notes applications modernized and moved to the web, feel free to contact me at karl-henry@demandbettersolutions.com.


MWLUG in Austin – I will be presenting again

I have been selected to present at MWLUG in Austin on August 17-19. My presentation will be kind of part two of my presentation last year in Atlanta. It will focus less on the basics and go more into the fun and more advanced stuff. Kind of an extended version of my Connect 2016 presentation.

The title is “Think Outside The Box – Part 2”, and I will discuss and show how you can build a modern web front-end using standard techniques like Javascript/jQuery and frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery Mobile and have it work against a Domino backend. I will demonstrate how to easily read data from and write data to the Domino database, and how to consume data using free plugins like BootstrapTable and FullCalendar.

I will also discuss the difference between JSON and JSONP and why the latter usually is better when building this type of integration. You will leave with a sample database containing the source code all the demos I will be showing as well as Lotusscript script libraries with classes I built to easily build agents that will interact with the website.

The idea is that you should be able to attend my session in Austin even if you haven’t seen any previous presentation. I will assume you have basic web design skills (HTML, CSS and a working understanding of Javascript) but you don’t have to be an expert at all. I also recommend some Lotusscript knowledge, as I will be providing all attendees with plenty of code to bring home and start using yourself.

I hope to see you in Austin in August! If you haven’t registered yet, go ahead and do it now! There are still seats left.


My Connect 2016 presentation & demo database

Connect2016_DemoDesignAs I promised, I would post my IBM Connect 2016 presentation on my blog.

Presentation (PDF): {link} 

Demo database (ZIP): {link}

You can also find the presentation on SlideShare.net.

To the right you see the database design, you want to look in the Agent section for the agents and in the Pages section for the HTML pages.

Note: You need to sign the database with an ID that have the proper rights. Otherwise the code will not work.




7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI

I found this two-part article about web design very interesting and want to share it. I am very similar to the author, I have also learned what looks good by looking at sites.

In the end, I learned the aesthetics of apps the same way I’ve learned any creative endeavor: cold, hard analysis. And shameless copying of what works. I’ve worked 10 hours on a UI project and billed for 1. The other 9 were the wild flailing of learning. Desperately searching Google and Pinterest and Dribbble for something to copy from.

These “rules” are the lessons from those hours.

So word to the nerds: if I’m any good at designing UI now, it’s because I’ve analyzed stuff — not because I came out the chute with an intuitive understanding of beauty and balance.

Part 1: https://medium.com/@erikdkennedy/7-rules-for-creating-gorgeous-ui-part-1-559d4e805cda

Part 2: https://medium.com/@erikdkennedy/7-rules-for-creating-gorgeous-ui-part-2-430de537ba96


Free Software – Password Reset for Notes/Domino

Earlier this year I was asked to research some alternatives for a web-based password reset function at my work. One of the larger support burdens are users who forget the passwords, especially in the first few days after changing it. We have a 90 day password lifespan, then a new password need to be picked. Some users wait until the last minute, which usually is Friday afternoon right before they go home, making it very likely that they will forget the new password over the weekend. Another big group is auditors, who may come in every 6 months or so, and by then their passwords have of course already expired.

I first looked at some COTS solutions from HADSL (FirM) and BCC (AdminSuite). They were both very competent, and in addition have several other functions that I really would like to have in my environment (like synchronization between Domino Directory and Active Directory). However, as my company is in a cost saving phase, I was asked if I could build something myself, so I played around a little, and came up with a small and simple application.

The application contains two web pages. The first page (Setup) is where the user will setup the security questions used for password recovery as well as entering an external email address that they have access to even if locked out from the Domino account at work. This page is protected by regular Notes security, so the users need to set this up before they lose access to their account.

The second page (Request)is where the user can request the password to be reset. After entering their Notes name, the user is presented with one of the security questions. If the question as answered correctly, the user can now enter a new password. If the question is wrong, another of the questions is presented to the user. I am also using regexp to make sure that the password match the requirement our organisation have for password strength.

Both pages are built using Bootstrap (v3.2.0),  jQuery (v1.11.0), and for the icons I use Font Awesome (v4.2.0), all loaded from BootstrapCDN. I also use a few local CSS and Javascript files to handle older versions of Internet Explorer. The process steps were created using code by jamro and you can find the code here. By the way, Bootsnipp is a great resource to avoid having to invent the wheel again. There are hundreds of free snippets of code there to build neat Bootstrap functionality.

When the user fill out and submit the setup page, a document is created in a Notes database. When the user need to reset the password, the security questions and answers are retrieved from that document. To prevent unauthorised access to the Notes documents, they use Readers fields to prevent them from being visible to anyone but the signer of the agents running on the server.

This application can of course be updated with more functionality. Instead of allowing the user to pick a password, one could be generated by the server and sent through email to the address entered during setup. There are probably other things that can be done to adapt this application to the needs of your organization. And you probably want to change the logo on the pages to fit your organisation.

You can download the application here. It is licensed under Apache 2.0. I will try to get it up on OpenNTF.org soon as well.

Read the “About” page for instructions on installation and setup, as well as full license and attribution. Enjoy!


Code snippet – jQuery

This morning I was working on a web application, and I came up with a pretty neat and simple little solution. So I just wanted to share it, in case anyone else need something similar.

I have a webpage with an HTML form. Each input tag has an attribute called notesfield, matching the name of the field in Notes where the value is stored:

<div class="col-md-3">
    <label>First Name</label>
    <input class="form-control" type="text" notesfield="FirstName" value="" />
<div class="col-md-2">
    <input class="form-control" type="text" notesfield="MiddleInitial" value="" />
<div class="col-md-3">
    <label>Last Name</label>
    <input class="form-control" type="text" notesfield="LastName" value="" />

Then I created a simple function that will call an agent on the Domino server, which will return all the fields on the specified document as JSON. This function is called after the HTML page is fully loaded.

function loadNotesFields(docunid) {
	var notesfieldname = "";
		url: "/database.nsf/ajax_GetNotesFieldFields?OpenAgent", 
		data: {"NotesUNID":docunid},
		cache: false
	}).done(function(data) {
		$('input[notesfield]').each(function() {
			notesfieldname = $(this).attr("notesfield");

The function is actually extremely simple, and here you can see the power of jQuery. What I do is to perform an Ajax call to a Domino URL, passing a UNID to the agent to use in the lookup. I set cache to false, to avoid the browser from reusing previously retrieved data (this is a good thing to do if the data retrieved can be suspected to change frequently).

The jQuery .ajax() functions returns the JSON in the data object, and when the call is done, the callback function loops through each input element with an attribute of notesfield, reads the value of said attribute and then sets the value of the input element to the corresponding Notes value.

The only thing left is to write the agent that will return the JSON. It could look something like this:

Dim urldata List As String

Sub Initialize
	Dim session As New NotesSession
	Dim webform As NotesDocument
	Dim db As NotesDatabase
	Dim doc As NotesDocument
	Dim urlstring As String
	Dim urlarr As Variant
	Dim urlvaluename As Variant
	Dim i As Integer
	Dim json As String

	Set webform = session.DocumentContext
	'*** Remove leading "OpenAgent" from Query_String
	urlstring = StrRight(webform.Query_String_Decoded(0),"&")
	'*** Create list of arguments passed to agent
	urlarr = Split(urlstring,"&")
	For i = LBound(urlarr) To UBound(urlarr)
		urlvaluename = Split(urlarr(i),"=")
		urldata(urlvaluename(0)) = urlvaluename(1)
	Set thisdb = session.CurrentDatabase
	'*** Create content header for return data
	Print "content-type: application/json"
	'*** Get Notes document baed on NotesUIND argument
	Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(urldata("NotesUNID"))
	'*** Build JSON for all fields in document except $fields
	json = "{" + Chr$(13)
	ForAll item In doc.Items
		If Left$(item.Name,1)<>"$" Then
			json = json + |"| + item.Name + |":"| + item.Text + |",|+ Chr$(13)
		End If
	End ForAll
	'*** Remove trailing comma and line break
	json = Left$(json,Len(json)-2)	
	json = json + "}"
	'*** Return JSON
	Print json	
End Sub

Happy coding!


Bootstrap – An Overview

As I mentioned in a previous article, my boss asked me to write some short summaries of a couple of common web technologies and frameworks. I already wrote about jQuery, and now the turn has come to Twitter Bootstrap, commonly called just Bootstrap.

Twitter Bootstrap is one of the durrent darlings of web developers. It is a CSS framework, and it also includes some Javascript and the icon set GlyphIcons. Personally I use Font Awesome, a larger set (currently 361 icons) of icons compatible with GlyphIcons.

Just like jQuery, you can use Bootstrap from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). There are also several themes available (both free and premium), so you can quickly get a different look than with the default Bootstrap colors. The free themes are also available through a CDN.

With Bootstrap it is very easy to quickly create nice looking websites/applications. There are several ready-made templates on the Bootstrap site, and there are many more available all over the internet.

So what you typically do is to download a template that fit your project, and then start customizing it. A couple of weeks ago I needed to quickly put up a one-page marketing website. I simply downloaded one of the templates, changed the headline, added my content and removed the sign-up button. In 30 minutes I had the site up, and that included writing the inital text. Then I spent another hour or so tweaking and editing the text, but the actual design part took just minutes.

I am also currently working on a larger web application (which I hope to be able to blog about later this fall), and I choose to use Bootstrap there as well. One of the issues I always had in the past was to find a nice menu system to use on my sites, and this actually caused me to abandon the redesign of my personal website for over a year. When I discovered Bootstrap it just took me a few hours to totally revamp my website (including adding some functionality), and I now have a nice and functional menu system. The site also include icons for the menu entries, using Font Awesome.

Bootstrap contains a large number of elements: buttons, dropdowns, tables, labels, input controls, alert messages, a grid system (totally redesigned in Bootstrap version 3), etc. There is plenty of documentation available online, both at the official Bootstrap website and on other sites and forums.

Bootstrap Documentation

So if you haven’t looked at Bootstrap yet, see if it might help you in your next web project!

1 Comment

Free Bootstrap tools

I started using Bootstrap a while back, and really enjoy the fact that I quickly can build a website/application using the framework. But there is always room for improvement. I found some useful tools that will help you, if you are using Bootstrap, to build your pages even quicker.

The first resource is Divshot, a online tool/interface builder where you can design your pages, then get the HTML code and insert it into your page. I just started using it this weekend, but it is a brilliant tool, easy to use and very helpful. It’s currently in free beta, you just need to register.

DivShot editor
DivShot editor

Update: DivShot is now a commercial product, but you can use it for free if you just have one single project.

Bootbox.js is a Javascript library that help you create programatic dialog boxes.

prettyCheckable replaces the standard checkboxes with nicer looking ones.

Datepicker for Bootstrap is (as the name indicates) a datepicker, made to match the Bootstrap look.

jQuery Form Validation is using the Bootstrap stylesshet to make it match the rest of the framework. I haven’t tried this one yet, but it looks very useful.

Fuel UX is another way to extend Bootstrap with additional controls. Very nice looking!

Lavish is a cool online tool that takes an image and creates a color scheme based on it for use in Bootstrap.


You can find these tools and more here.


How to start with jQuery

Lately I have been working on several web applications, both as hobby projects and at work. I started using YUI3 a few years ago as a Javascript framework, and I liked it. But I kept hearing about jQuery, and the times I saw code snippets, I was intrigued. It looked different, but at the same time jQuery seemed very powerful and efficient.

So a while back I started looking closer at jQuery, and I found that it was extremely easy to learn. One need a decent understanding of HTML and the browser DOM (Document Object Model), as well as Javascript knowledge. Add some CSS to that, if you want the page to look good as well, and you are set.

So how do you start using jQuery? The easy way is to take advantage of companies like Google and Microsoft who are hosting different frameworks (including jQuery) on their servers for public use. You don’t have to worry about downloading and hosting it yourself, and you can get started in just minutes.

You add code to your page to utilize jQuery, then add some script. You have to allow the browser to wait for the webpage to fully load before you can start doing things, and this is done using $(document).ready(). When that event is triggered, the code you have added there will be executed.

It is very easy to address elements on your webpage. If I have an element (could be a button, a span/div section, a link or even an image) with the id “messageBox”, I can address it like this: $(“#messageBox”). I then have different properties and methods for that element.

But I have always believed in “show me the code”. I created a very simple demo. The webpage contains a button and a div where we want to display a text when the button is clicked. I have some CSS to make the text look nice, and a few lines of jQuery code to do the work.

    <title>Hello, jQuery</title>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

  // The following function is executed after page is fully loaded
  $(document).ready(function () {
    // Setup the element with id "btnSave" to react on click
    $("#btnSave").click( function() {
      // When clicked, set the innerHTML of the element with
      // id "messageBox" to the specified html string.
      $("#messageBox").html("You clicked the <strong>Save</strong> button.");

    .statusMessage {
      font-family: Arial;
      font-size: 0.9em;
      color: #AA0000;

    <button id="btnSave">Save</button>
    <div id="messageBox"></div>

That’s it. Try it yourself, paste this code into a text file and call it jQuery.html, then open it in your browser.

Result of jQuery.html
The result. Click for a larger version.

Now when you understand the basics, you can learn more advanced things. I am using jQuery to very easily perform Ajax calls, even calling Lotusscript web agents to return data from a Domino database to my webpage. I also use it for all kinds of dynamic updates to webpages.

A while back I started on a Domino-based web chat as a hobby project. I started building it using YUI3, but after finishing the initial landing page, I started using jQuery on the actual room pages. The other night I simply ripped out the YUI3 code and replaced it with (much less) jQuery code. It took my just an hour or two. The site/chat is currently in Swedish, but I plan to translate it to other languages, and I will blog more about this project soon. Feel free to try it out, or just look at the source code for the pages. I am sure you will very quickly understand how it works. On that page I use jQuery to call server agent to return the number of users (and their names) present in the different rooms. I also check values in field, as well as update fields, hiding/showing elements on the page depending on field values, etc.
I also use a jQuery plugin to display bubbles with information (pulled in real time from the Domino database using a web agent) when hovering over the count of users in a given room.



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