Trend Micro: Google is most insecure

According to Trend Micro's Third Quarter Threat Report, Google had 82 vulnerabilities during the third quarter 2011. Oracle had 63, followed by Microsoft with 58, Apple with 49, Adobe with 42 and Mozilla and IBM both with 39 during the same period.

In other news: University of Dayton and General Motors are moving from Lotus Notes to Google Mail, while the CIO at the City of Los Angeles demands that Groupwise "be hauled out of its coffin, given a quick slap and defibrillation, and pressed back into service" to replace Google Mail and Apps. Link to letter here, another article here.

According to Consumer Watchdog, the rollout [in Los Angeles] has hit snags, with the police deciding that security on the vaunted platform isn’t adequate for users in the City Attorney Criminal Branch, fire department arson investigations, public safety users, parking police, street services investigations, parks rangers, and “any other City entities that access criminal history data”.




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