Reminder – Great icon set for free!

Two years ago I wrote about the FamFamFam Silk icons, a free set of 1000 icons that I use. I still use them in all my applications, and have even modified a few of them to suit my purposes. They come as PNG files, but I have converted them to GIF format so I can use them in for example Notes action buttons.

If you downloaded my generic database template, which I posted about two years ago as well , you have the GIF version of all the icons as image resources.

So if you haven’t taken a look at those icons, you should. Few things help your application or website to look professional as a set of consistent looking icons. And yes, it works in Xpages. You just have to add a little piece of CSS to make it look good, as Per Henrik Lausten told me when I posted about that in StackOverflow.

The magic code is:  .lotusBtn img {   margin-right: 10px; }
This will give you 10 pixels between the icon and the label. It might be enough with 5 or 6 pixels, depending on what the desired look of the page is.


This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Stuart

    Thanks for posting this! When I download the generic template and open it, it tells me it has ‘local access protection’ and I am not authorized. I believe that means the db has been encrypted. Can you remove that, or am I missing something?

    1. Karl-Henry Martinsson

      No, I had managed to encrypt the database again. 🙁 Should be fixed now, let me know if you have any problem.

  2. Jesper Clausen

    Hi Karl-Henry
    Downloaded the generic database template you are linking to above, but get an error when trying to open/copy it 🙁
    Error: “Attempted encryption operation is not supported by this version of Notes.”
    Any chance you could upload/send me a version without encryption or a Intl. version that I’ll be able to use in Denmark?

    Thanx in advance…
    Brgds //Jesper

    1. Karl-Henry Martinsson

      Should be working now. I made a small change to the database and managed to get encryption turned on again somehow…
      Let me know if it is still not working.

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