Apple Cake: The Drink

I brought some of my home-made Apple Cake drink to Lotusphere, and I had many people ask me how it is made. It is not hard at all, it just takes some time.

You need the following:

  • 75 cl vodka (that is one regular bottle), and I recommend Absolut 40% (or even 50% if you want it stronger).
  • 30 cl (that is about 10 fl oz) concentrated apple juice. I used one can of defrosted frozen juice concentrate.
  • 3-4 tablespoons granulated sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons of vanilla sugar. It can be purchased at the nearest IKEA in the US. You can also use vanilla extract.
  • 3 sticks of cinnamon.


Gently heat up the apple juice on the stove. Stir in the sugar and vanilla sugar/flavor until it is all dissolved. Pour in a big bottle that is just over 1 liter, a little over a quart. I use a 2 quart Rubber Maid MixerMate bottle. Add the cinnamon sticks and then the vodka. Shake well.

For the next 7 days, shake once or twice a day. After 7 days, remove the cinnamon sticks. It is now ready to serve.

Whip some cream together with a little vanilla sugar. Pour the drink in shot glasses, but don´t fill them to the rim. Add a spoon of whipped cream on top, and it is ready to drink. Skål!



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