We are the IBM Champions

IBM ChampionThis morning I received a mail from IBM telling me that for the second year I was selected as one of the 96 IBM Champions. Last year I was very surprised to be selected and to be in the company of so many of the experts in the ICS/Lotus community that I for years looked up to and have been inspired by. I am extremely proud and grateful to have been selected again, and I will continue to post blog entries and code as a way to give back to the community. Many people (some of them are now fellow Champions) have been helping me in the past, and the last few years I have been trying to help others the same way.

You can read the public announcement here. Oliver Heinz, the Community Manager for the ICS Champions, also shares some details about the selection process in a blog entry.

I am looking forward to meet the other Champions (especially the 22 new ones for 2015) together with many other long-time friends at IBM ConnectED in Orlando in less than two months. See you there, I hope!

IBM Champions at IBM Connect 2014.
Photo by John Rolling, aka Greyhawk68.


Here is the list of the 2015 IBM Champions for IBM Collaborative Solutions (ICS):

Adam Brown Jesse Gallagher Olaf Boerner
Andrea Fontana John Dalsgaard Oliver Busse
Andreas Ponte John Head Patrice Vialor
Andrew Barickman John Jardin Patrick Hope
Arshad Khalid Julian Robichaux Paul Calhoun
Benedek Menesi Karl-Henry Martinsson Paul Della-Nebbia
Bill Malchisky Kathy Brown Paul Withers
Brad Balassaitis Kazunori Tatsuki Per Lausten
Brian O’Neill Keith Brooks Ray Bilyk
Bruce Elgort Kenio Carvalho Rene Winkelmeyer
Chris Miller Kenji Ebihara Richard Moy
Christian Güdemann Kim Greene Rob Novak
Christoph Stoettner Klaus Bild Rudi Knegt
Daniel Nashed Laks Sundararajan Salvador Gallardo
Daniel Reimann Liz Albert Sandra Buehler
Daniele Grillo Luis Garza Sasja Beerendonk
David Leedy Marcel Ribas Satoru Abe
David Price Marion Vrielink Serdar Basegmez
Eric McCormick Mark Calleran Sharon Bellamy
Felix Binsack Mark Leusink Siggi Meyer
Femke Goedhart Mark Myers Simon Vaughan
Francie Tanner Mark Roden Sjaak Ursinus
Fredrik Norling Martin Jinoch Stefan Sucker
Friso van den Berg Masahiko Miyo Steve Pitcher
Gabriella Davis Matteo Bisi Stuart McIntyre
Gary Swale Mike McGarel Takeshi Yoshida
Giuseppe Grasso Mike Ostrowski Theo Heselmans
Handly Cameron Mike Smith Tim Clark
Howard Greenberg Mikkel Heisterberg Tim Malone
Jan Valdman Mitch Cohen Tony Holder
Jean-Yves Fiou Mitsuru Katoh Ulrich Krause
Jerome Deniau Nathan Freeman Wannes Rams

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