Notes 9.0 – MIA

I thought I would download IBM Notes/Domino 9.0 overnight, but after I logged in to Passport Advantage and went to the downloads, I can see that the files have (supposedly) been uploaded, but they are not available to select.

IBM Notes 9.0 Not Available

If I expand the previous version, all the files for that version shows up… Hopefully IBM have this sorted out in the morning. Scott?

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Karsten Lehmann

    Seems to work now. Downloading Notes Client and DDE for Windows and Notes Client for Mac OSX right now.

  2. Pierre

    I see them in my PPA but the download is 0% ….

  3. Pierre

    gave up DownloadDirector, now on HTTP. it is coming down slloooowwwwllllllyyyy

  4. Marc

    They are available but not via Download Director. You can download them via http 🙂

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