Lotusphere 2012 – Day 1 (Sunday)

Sunday is now officially the first day of Lotusphere, with Jumpstart sessions and (of course) the welcome reception at night. I had a full day’s schedule, and went to four great sessions.

JMP102 – Introduction to Java for IBM Lotus Domino Developers, by the excellent Paul Calhoun. I can’t say I know Java, even if I did write some code many years ago. This session made me very excited about taking another look at Java, in order to add that language to my toolbox.

JMP103 – "How Stuff Works" IBM Lotus Domino Style! by Susan Bulloch and Jess Stratton. I am a developer, but I want to (and feel that every designer should) learn the basics of administration and security. Susan and Jess are excellent presenters and are experts at their subject. This session was very beneficial to me.

JMP303 – Master Class: They Really Are Out To Get You by Gabriella Davis and Andrew Pollack. The title is ironic, as it seems like a certain corporate lawyer at IBM is out to get Andrew. An hour before the presentation was about to be given, the lawyer demanded that all pictures were to be removed, because of potential copyright issues. You can read the full story on Andrew’s blog.
Despite this, Gab and Andrew managed to deliver a great session on security, which of course would not surprise anyone who know these competent long-time speakers.

JMP101 – IBM Lotus Domino Xpages JumpStart by Howard Greenberg and Paul Della-Nebbia. I attended some Xpages sessions at Lotusphere 2011, but have not been able to start doing any actual development. I was having problems getting over the initial hump, but this session explained things very well and inspired me to take a look at Xpages when I get back home.

Then there was the traditional poolside welcome reception, followed by a visit to Kimono’s, before heading to bed.


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