Import CSV from Excel into Notes documents

The other day there was a post on LinkedIn regarding importing Excel data into Notes documents.
Someone suggested to save into Access format, and then export from there intosome 1-2-3formatthat Notes can read.
I suggested to save the Excel spreadsheet as a CSV file, and then import it. So I decided to write a small generic importer.
I built a class called “csvFile”, which I put in a script library called “Class.ImportCSV”.
Below is the code for the actual import agent. It creates a new csvFile object, which load all the CSV data into an array in memory. Each array element is in turn a class, containing a list of entries. This is because you can not create arrays of arrays or lists, they have to be in another object/class.
If you know the row number and column label (the first row in the CSV file will be considered the column labels), you can address the value like this: csvfile.row(r).entry(“ColumnLabel”).
Option Public
Option Declare
Use "Class.ImportCSV"

Sub Initialize
  ' *** Import CSV file and create matching documents in Notes
  ' *** By Karl-Henry Martinsson, April 8, 2010
  Dim session As New NotesSession
  Dim db As NotesDatabase
  Dim doc As NotesDocument
  Dim csvfile As csvFile
  Dim rowcnt As Long
  Dim r As Long

  Set db = session.CurrentDatabase  
  Set csvfile = New csvFile("c:\Book1.csv")
  rowcnt = Ubound(csvfile.row) + 1
  ' *** Loop through the rows and create a new document for each
  For r = Lbound(csvfile.row) To Ubound(csvfile.row)
    If (r+1 Mod 10) = 0 Then    ' Update status bar every 10 documents
      Print "Importing " & r+1 & " of " & rowcnt
    End If
    Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "MyFormName")
    ' *** Loop though entries for the row and populate corresponding fields in doc
    Forall e In csvfile.row(r).entry
      Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Listtag(e), e)
    End Forall
    Call doc.Save(True,False)
End Sub
Here is the script library. Simply create a new script library, call it “Class.ImportCSV” and paste the code into it’s Declaration section:
' *** Created by Karl-Henry Martinsson on 2010-04-08
' *** Email:
' *** Blog:
' *** ----------------------------------------------------------
' *** You are free to modify and edit this code, but please keep
' *** all comments intact, and publish any changes you make so
' *** the Lotus community can benefit. You are allowed to use
' *** this code in commercial/closed source products, but are 
' *** encouraged to share your modifications.
' *** Disclaimer: Use this code at your own risk. No warranties
' *** what so ever. Don't run code you don't know what it does.
' *** ----------------------------------------------------------

Class RowData
  Public entry List As String
End Class

Class csvFile
  Public row() As RowData         ' Storing the rows in the imported CSV file
  Public column List As String    ' List containing column labels
  Private fileno As Integer       ' File number

  Public Sub new(filename As String)
    Dim temprow As String
    Dim temparr As Variant
    Dim fixedarr() As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim flagQuoted As Integer

    fileno = Freefile            ' Return an unused file number
    Open filename For Input As fileno
    Redim row(0) As rowdata
    ' *** Get column header
    Do While Not Eof(fileno)
      ' *** Read row and split into cells.
      Line Input #fileno, temprow
      temparr = Split(temprow, ",")
      ' *** Commas within quoted values will cause the value
      ' *** to be split across array items, so we have to fix this.
      flagQuoted = False
      Redim fixedarr(0) As String    ' Size array to just one element, has to be done
      For i = Lbound(temparr) To Ubound(temparr)
        ' *** Check if value start with quote
        If Left$(temparr(i),1) = |"| Then  
          flagQuoted = True
        End If
        If flagQuoted = True Then
          If Left$(temparr(i),1) = |"| Then  
          ' *** For first item, just set array item to value, remove leading quote
            fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)) = Right$(temparr(i),Len(temparr(i))-1)
          ' *** Append value to previous array item with a comma to replace the lost one
            fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)) = fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)) & "," & temparr(i) 
          End If
          ' *** If it end with a quote, reset flag, rmove trailing quote and increase size of array
          If Right$(temparr(i),1) = |"| Then
            flagQuoted = False
            fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)) = Left$(fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)), Len(fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)))-1)
            Redim Preserve fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)+1) As String  
          End If
          ' *** Set array item to value and increase array size by one
          fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)) = temparr(i) 
          Redim Preserve fixedarr(Ubound(fixedarr)+1) As String  
        End If
      temparr = Fulltrim(fixedarr)    ' Remove empty items in array
      ' *** Check if this is the first row (index 0), i.e. the column header and no object exists  
      If Ubound(row) = 0 And (row(Ubound(row)) Is Nothing) Then
        ' *** Loop through temparr and build list from labels
        For i = Lbound(temparr) To Ubound(temparr)
          column(Cstr(i)) = temparr(i)
        ' *** Create an object so the code above will not be true again
        Set row(Ubound(row)) = New RowData
        ' *** Create new row data object, populate with data and increase size of row array
        Set row(Ubound(row)) = New RowData
        For i = Lbound(temparr) To Ubound(temparr)
          row(Ubound(row)).entry(column(Cstr(i))) = temparr(i)
        Redim Preserve row(Ubound(row)+1) As RowData
      End If
    ' *** Remove the last row, as it is always empty
    Redim Preserve row(Ubound(row)-1) As RowData
  End Sub
End Class

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. David Belusa

    Halo, many thanks for that cool script. Do you have any trick how to import more than 32767 lines? David

    1. From the online help:
      “Array subscript bounds must fall in the range -32,768 to 32,767, inclusive.”

      I never tried it, but try to change
      Redim row(0) As rowdata
      Redim row(-32768) As rowdata
      i = -32768
      and see what happens. Should double the number or lines you can import. If you have more than 64K lines, you could perhaps try rewriting the code using a list instead of an array.

  2. Mike

    This saved my day. thank you. This code will fail if any row (other than first row which is header) has empty value

    1. Mike

      temparr = Fulltrim(fixedarr) ‘ Remove empty items in array this line of code actually removes empty values in array which seems to be not right. it is ok to remove empty items for the first row but not subsequent rows

  3. Kevin

    Thank you for sharing this valuable utility. After successfully using it for English format .csv (uses a comma as the delimiter), I created a version for European format which uses the semicolon as the delimiter.

    I also added the following code to prompt the user to select the .csv file

    ‘Get .csv file name

    If userPlatform = “Macintosh/64” Or userPlatform = “Macintosh” Then
    fn=uiws.OpenFileDialog(False, “Select the .csv File to Import”)
    fn =uiws.OpenFileDialog(False,”Select the .csv File to Import”, “.csv files | *.csv”, “c:My Documents”)
    End If

    csvFilename = Cstr(fn(0)) ‘ This is the name of the .csv file that will be imported

    If Lcase(Right(csvFilename, 3)) “csv” Then
    mb = uiws.Prompt(1, “Please select a file with a .csv extension.”, “Wrong file type. A .csv file extension is expected”)
    Set csvfile = New EUcsvFile(csvFilename)
    rowcnt = Ubound(csvfile.eurow) + 1

    I also added code to coerce the values being set in the target document (doc) to the correct data type. The If statement in the code first checks if the entry is one of your text fields (you supply the name … I just used “TextField1”, “TextField2”, “TextField3”, “TextField4”, and “TextFieldn” as generic field names to illustrate the code. If the entry is not one of your text fields, then the code checks to see if it is one of your Integer fields … in this example I just check for one and generically named it “IntegerField1”. If the entry is not one of your text or integer fields, then this code makes it a Dbl.

    ‘ *** Loop though entries for the row and populate corresponding fields in doc
    Forall e In csvfile.row(r).entry
    If Listtag(e) = “TextField1” Or Listtag(e) = “TextField2” Or Listtag(e) = “TextField3” Or Listtag(e) = “TextField4” Or Listtag(e) = “TextFieldn” Then
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Listtag(e), e)
    Elseif Listtag(e) = “IntegerField1” Then
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Listtag(e), Cint(e))
    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Listtag(e), Round(Cdbl(e),8))
    End If
    End Forall

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