How fascinating! On to new ventures!

This last Tuesday was my last day as Sr Application Developer at Deep South, my workplace for the last 14 years. My position was somewhat — but not totally — unexpectedly eliminated.

I want to thank my manager John St Andria for the opportunity to work with him all these years. I had a great time, and I think we worked really well together. This was not his decision, it was a directive from higher up. I consider him a good friend. This was probably as hard for him as it was for me.

I have taken a few days to consider different options. My current plan is to spend some time learning a couple of new technologies and improving others. Finally I have the time to spend on learning new technologies, either on my own or by taking some classes. During the last year I already started this, by taking some college classes in C# and Now I will keep building on that foundation.

I think the best way forward for me is to diversify and learn additional technologies and platforms, and me being terminated might be the kick-in-the-butt I needed to get out of my comfort zone and venture into something new.

While I branch out I will obviously be looking for Domino related development jobs, either using the Notes client or Domino web applications. Feel free to pass my name, contact info and resume around.


This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Gabriella

    The best of luck – I honestly believe change is opportunity and choosing to expand your knowledge and expertise is absolutely the right thing.

    1. That is what Chrissy says too, and I think you are both right. I see this as a great new opportunity for me to move forward/upwards in my career.

  2. Bruce Elgort

    I’m sorry to hear of this. Please let me know if there is any way I can help.

    1. Thanks, Bruce! I may ping you on some php stuff later, I am starting to look into that for a potential upcoming project.

  3. palmi

    Best of luck Karl. You on the right track. With your knowledge on IBM domino and the path you have chosen you will find what you are looking for.

  4. Ben Poole

    Good luck Karl. Change is good, and there are oodles of technologies out there to get to grips with!

  5. Lisa Vincent

    Best of luck to you! You have helped me so much in the past few years with my IBM Domino questions. I will definitely keep your info handy. Thank you.

  6. Mick Moignard

    Karl-Henry, been a few years since we last met, and having been there myself, I can only echo what others have already said. Just go for it, it will work out, and quote probably better and differently to what you think. best of luck, Mick

    1. Thanks Mick! I am sure it will work out well, I am looking forward to learning new things as well.

  7. Don Mottolo

    Karl, Sorry to hear that, but wishing you all the best! I’ve learned a lot from you over the years from your blog and at MWLUG. – Don

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