Free Tool: Analyze ACL in Notes Application/Database

Yesterday my network admin asked me if I could write a simple tool that could provide him with with a spreadsheet of what users had access to a certain database, and through what groups and roles. A couple of hours later I had created an agent that analyze the ACL and identify the users who can access it. The result is presented as a CSV file.

I am sharing the code below. It is pretty straight forward. As you can see, I am using lists to hold the data for easy export later to CSV. Run the code with the Lotusscript debugger turned on, and put a breakpoint before the CSV export starts, and you can see how the data is stored in the lists.

The function ExpandGroups() is called recursively to drill down, if the group contains additional groups. This function also use a lookup into a custom view, (LookupPeople), that we have in our corporate NAB, I am sure you can modify this code with something that works for you.

Enjoy! As always, use the code on your own risk, no warranties, etc.

    Agent Export ACL Info to CSV
    Created Nov 14, 2011 by Karl-Henry Martinsson/Deep-South
    Description: Read ACl for specified database and create a
    CSV file with info about each user's access (roles, groups,
    delete access, access level).

Option Public
Option Declare

Dim nab As NotesDatabase

Type RowData
    role As String
    group As String
    username As String
    deletedoc As String
    level As String
    levelno As Integer
End Type

Class GroupData   
    Public roles List As String
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class

Class PersonData
    Public accesslevel As Integer
    Public roles List As String
    Public deletedoc As boolean
    Public accessthrough List As String
    Public Sub New()
        me.deletedoc = False
    End Sub
    Public Sub SetAccessLevel(level As Integer)
        If me.Accesslevel<level Then
            me.AccessLevel = level
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAccessLevelText()
        Select Case me.AccessLevel
            Case 0 : GetAccessLevelText = "No Access"
            Case 1 : GetAccessLevelText = "Depositor"               
            Case 2 : GetAccessLevelText = "Reader"
            Case 3 : GetAccessLevelText = "Author"
            Case 4 : GetAccessLevelText = "Editor"
            Case 5 : GetAccessLevelText = "Designer"
            Case 6 : GetAccessLevelText = "Manager"
        End Select
    End Function
End Class

Class RoleData
    Public groups List As String
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub
End Class

Sub Initialize
    Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As NotesDatabase
    Dim pview As NotesView
    Dim pdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim acl As NotesACL
    Dim entry As NotesACLEntry
    Dim person List As PersonData
    Dim group List As GroupData
    Dim role List As RoleData
    Dim users As Variant
    Dim row List As RowData
    Dim cnt As Long
    Dim groupname As String
    Dim filename As String
    Dim rowstr As String
    Dim dbname As String
    Dim servername As String

    servername = InputBox$("Enter server for database:","Select Server")
    If servername = "" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    dbname = InputBox$("Enter full path of database:","Select Database")
    If dbname = "" Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    set nab = New NotesDatabase(servername,"names.nsf")
    Set db = New NotesDatabase(servername,dbname)
    Set acl = db.ACL
    Set entry = acl.GetFirstEntry()
    Do While Not entry Is Nothing
        If entry.Isgroup Then
            If IsElement(group(entry.Name))=False Then
                Set group(entry.Name) = New GroupData()
                ForAll r In entry.Roles
                    group(entry.Name).roles(r) = r
                End ForAll
            End If
            users =    ExpandGroup(entry.Name)
            If IsList(users) then
                ForAll u In users
                    If IsElement(person(u))=False Then
                        Set person(u) = New PersonData()
                    End If
                    Call person(u).SetAccessLevel(entry.level)
                    If entry.Candeletedocuments Then
                        person(u).deletedoc = True
                    End If
                    person(u).accessthrough(entry.Name) = entry.Name
                    ForAll r In entry.Roles
                        If FullTrim(r)<>"" then
                            person(u).roles(r) = r   
                        End if
                    End ForAll
                End ForAll
            End If
        ElseIf entry.IsPerson Then
            If IsElement(person(entry.Name))=False Then
                Set person(entry.Name) = New PersonData()
            End If
            Call person(entry.Name).SetAccessLevel(entry.level)
            If entry.Candeletedocuments Then
                person(entry.Name).deletedoc = True
            End If
            person(entry.Name).accessthrough("ACL") = "ACL"
            ForAll r In entry.Roles
                If FullTrim(r)<>"" Then
                    person(entry.Name).roles(r) = r
                End if   
            End ForAll
        End If
        Set entry = acl.GetNextEntry(entry)   
    ForAll g In group
        ForAll rr In g.roles
            If IsElement(role(rr)) = False Then
                Set role(rr) = New RoleData
            End If
            role(rr).groups(CStr(ListTag(g))) = ListTag(g)
        End Forall
    End ForAll
    ' *** Time to export the data
    cnt = 0
    Set pview = nab.GetView("(LookupPeople)")
    ForAll p In person
        ForAll gg In p.accessthrough
            groupname = gg
            If IsElement(group(groupname)) And groupname<>"ACL" Then
                ForAll r2 In group(groupname).roles
                    cnt = cnt + 1
                    row(cnt).username = ListTag(p)
                    row(cnt).group = groupname
                    If p.deletedoc then
                        row(cnt).deletedoc = "Y"
                        row(cnt).deletedoc = "N"
                    End If   
                    row(cnt).levelno = p.accesslevel
                    row(cnt).level = p.GetAccessLevelText()
                    row(cnt).role = ListTag(r2)
                End ForAll
            End If
        End ForAll
    End ForAll
    filename = "c:\ACL_"
    filename = filename & Replace(Replace(dbname,"/","-"),"\","-")
    filename = filename & ".csv"
    Open filename For Output As #1
    rowstr = |"UserRole","Group","User Name","Del","Level","Access"|
    Print #1, rowstr
    ForAll x In row
        rowstr = |"| & x.role & |",|
        rowstr = rowstr & |"| & & |",|
        rowstr = rowstr & |"| & x.username & |",|
        rowstr = rowstr & |"| & x.deletedoc & |",|
        rowstr = rowstr & || & x.levelno & |,|
        rowstr = rowstr & |"| & x.level & |"|
        Print #1, rowstr
    End ForAll
    Close #1
    MsgBox "ACL exported to " & filename,,"Finished"
End Sub

    Function ExpandGroup
    Created Nov 14, 2011 by Karl-Henry Martinsson/Deep-South
    Description: Returns a list of users in specified group in NAB
Function ExpandGroup(entryName As string) As Variant
    Dim nabview As NotesView
    Dim nabdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim pview As NotesView
    Dim pdoc As NotesDocument
    Dim uname As NotesName
    Dim tmplist As variant
    Dim userlist List As String
    If FullTrim(entryName) = "" Then
        ExpandGroup = ""
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set nabview = nab.GetView("Groups")
    Set nabdoc = nabview.GetDocumentByKey(entryname)
    If nabdoc Is Nothing Then
        ExpandGroup = ""
        Exit function
    End If
    ForAll n In nabdoc.GetItemValue("Members")
        If Left$(n,3)= "CN=" Then
            Set uname = New NotesName(n)
            userlist(uname.Common) = uname.Common
            Set pview = nab.GetView("(LookupPeople)")
            Set pdoc = pview.GetDocumentByKey(CStr(n))
            If Not pdoc Is Nothing Then
                userlist(CStr(n)) = CStr(n)
                tmplist = ExpandGroup(CStr(n))
                If IsList(tmplist) Then
                    ForAll t In tmplist
                        userlist(t) = t
                    End ForAll
                End If
            End If   
        End If
    End ForAll
    ExpandGroup = userlist
End Function


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Matt S

    Hi, Thank you for this. If I can get it working this will help me tremendously. Do you know what I would need to type as far as input if I am running this agent against Domino running on IBM i? I have tried a few things but I haven’t had any success with it running. Can you give an example of what type of input is required for each box?

    1. Karl-Henry Martinsson

      Matt, I am not an expert on IBM i-series, so I can’t really tell you how the paths are defined there. You may want to reach out to Steve McDonagh, he is a IBM i-series expert if i remember correctly.

      1. Matt S

        I figured it out. Thank you again for the great tool!!

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