The lotus is so thick you can smell it in the air”…”
He decides to volunteer me(?), uh, tell me(?), ?- I was ?olun-told´ that I should run to the store after work for one of his Lotusphere projects.
"Honey, why do *I* need to go there," I asked.
Logical Beloved programmer says, "Because you´re in that area and daycare is across the street."
Now, while I am a logical sort, geek and programmer too, I´m still a girl”…” And I think I´ve been *super* cool about this Lotusphere cult/revival thing, the Dolphin Hotel elevator noises in bed, and even about the talking alcoholic IBM turtle. . "Ummm”…” No, try again." I´m a good girlfriend so ill give him another chance.
And you can almost see his brain processing it:
mouth.addEventHandler(MouthEvent.SPEAK, makeGirlfriendHappy);
Function makeGirlfriendHappy(e:hopefullyNone):void;{
NavigateToHappyGirlfriend (newHappyGirlfriendRequest ("[insert quick thinking touchy-feely stuff here]"));
}"You´re sweet and kind and nice to me?" He blubs.
Do I let him off easy? Do I? DO I?